Archive for January, 2009

I’m still here…

January 28, 2009

Just up to my eyebrows in Oscar Cookies.  Its that time of year.  

Since Christmas, I haven’t had a big, fun crochet project to work on.  I am working on a pair of fingerless gloves for myself– but that’s not Big.  Ever since looking through Simple Crochet— which I should really just buy already– I’ve been wanting to do a rug or some huge throw pillows.  But lately the cold weather has made me wish for an extra blanket to have around.  That would be big.  

So I’m thinking either a ripple pattern or maybe this one.  I want to use all kinds of white yarn– weights, shades, wool/acrylic etc etc– I’m thinking the color, and the pattern will be the unifying factor.  (I’ve been perusing Etsy for yarn and I’ll post photos when I get some.)

This seems like a relatively stress free project, considering its size. I imagine being able to do while watching a movie, as opposed to being glued to the pattern, avoiding distractions at all costs. Hopefully the different kinds of yarn will make it interesting enough that I don’t feel like I’m going to die of boredom.  That’s the trick for me– finding an easy enough pattern so its fun to do, but with some kind of interesting element so you don’t feel like its taking forever.  Or so you don’t notice that its taking forever.

I also want to try a sweater. But that seems too Big.


January 20, 2009


I have to say, I really didn’t think it would happen.  I kind of hate to admit that, but its true.

My sister, my mother and I watched the inauguration at The Providence Performing Art Center.  

It was wonderful to be in that huge ornate building, packed with people.  I cried through the whole thing. 

And now I’m back home watching all the marching bands in the parade.  They’re pretty incredible.  

This whole day is incredible.

Illustration Friday: Contained

January 14, 2009

For years I’ve been doing a lot of drawing primarily with my wacom tablet.  For work this is often the fastest way and makes sense in that revisions are pretty simple to do. But lately, I’ve been trying to combine getting back to my “roots” ie pencil drawing, with photoshop and my tablet.  

Anyhow here’s the latest Illustration Friday, Contained.  Some Atlantic Cod Contained.  


Now I’m thinking it would have  been more fun to have them in an actual container. Like a jar or something. Squeezed in. But originally I wanted to show them contained without showing the vessel.

Handmade Goodies, Part II

January 7, 2009

Here are some of the stores and sellers I got wonderful gifts from this season.  Going through the list I realize they are not all strictly handmade. But I did try to stick to smaller, cool businesses, for the most part.  

Oh the wonderful Tiny Showcase:

Gorgeous letterpress print, “Goes to Show You What a Moon Can Do 2009 Lunar Calendar”, by Alec Thibodeau for my brother, Will. 

And another letterpress print, “”Homage to the Stamp” by Gavin Potenza:

(I was a smart cookie and ordered early, so we got “A Field Guide to the Stamps of the World” poster as well.  Its pretty sweet.)

Poketo wallet:

This one is part of a series they did in collaboration with 826LA.  It was for my friend Jane, which was perfect as the story on the back features a “girl named Jane…[who]was 18 and lived in New York City.”


The Curatorium is my new favorite store in Providence.  It is filled to the brim with amazing stuff– at all price ranges– and they must change the shop around almost every day, because every time I go, everything is in a completely different place. And I’ve been going a lot.  Here are the highlights:

Bamboo sporks by Bambu made for some great stocking stuffers.

Cardboard Deer Bust for my brother Sam.  Or did I get the moose?  Man, I am really wanting ALL of these.  (You can find them online at PopDeluxe.)

Twig pencils:

Hokusai paper diorama by


It comes packaged flat and actually looks pretty cool even before its cut out and assembled.  From their site: Hokusai himself did “Tatebanko paper sculpture” in those days and we are celebrating this well-known masterpiece with our owninterpretation. Hokusai Tatebanko remix!

Another store I went to a lot is just up the street from The Curatorium: Benefit Street Antiques. (At least I think that’s what its called.  Unfortunately, I am horrible at paying attention to silly things like, um, names.  However I do know its on the corner, and next to Cafe Zog, and across the street from the more hip antique store on Wickenden Street.)  Its one of those stores that looks too pretty and upscale to be able to afford anything in.  And that’s kind of true, but tucked between the gorgeous furniture and sparkly chandeliers, were the coolest treasures. Small paper mache boxes, carved wooden deer figurines, teacups, handkerchiefs…. so fun! Definitely check it out if you’re in the area.  And I did not take pictures of any of it..

And of course a couple of Etsy sellers!  (For all my goings on about  buying handmade etc, you’d think there would have been a long list.  There isn’t a long list because I was a moron and forgot about shipping time. NOT because I don’t have a long list of people I love buying fabulous goods from. SO  I resolve to start earlier this year!  Thanksgiving v Christmas be damned.) 

The hilarious Six Pack temporary Tattoo from Temptuous Tatts :

They are even more hilarious when your brother returns from a party sporting said tattoo. Believe me.

And the gorgeous “Pocket Theater Pop Ups,  Night Journey” by Roadside.

Check out Roadside Projects Blog for more information and inspiration.  She does all kinds of cards, flat prints of her originals, and custom work!  I especially love the family portraits.

Alright back to the perfect drawing-gloomy-day.

Homemade Goodies Round Up, Part I

January 7, 2009

Some homemade holiday gifities: While I’m still learning to actually read a pattern, I’ve been really enjoying crocheting.  Just simple things, but I think they came out pretty cute.

I made a bunch of fingerless gloves– Big ones, for the Mister’s Dad:

And several little ones, for smaller hands:

Those striped ones are for a certain little guy, who just became shy about wearing his favorite color pink to school. (Which makes me sad, but that’s a whole other story.)

And a wavy scarf for the mister’s mother:

I wanted to make more of these felt letter ornaments, but I left if to the last minute and ended up only whipping up a few.

They were so easy, and I really liked how they came out.  I wish I had made more of them. Next year!

I did end up making those mini meringues, but I chickened out on the marshmallows.  

(But my mom and I must have been on the same wavelength, cause she made a few batches.  So I got to snack on hers!  Marshmallows melting in coffee= yum! Who knew? )  If you haven’t ever made meringues, I recommend it– they were so easy! 

Here are the goodies all packaged up– meringues, cookies, coconut macaroons, and some Trader Joe’s Hot Chocolate. 

I’m still gathering up the names of all the sellers I bought wonderful things from this season.  I’ll post about them tomorrow!


January 6, 2009

Ever have one of those days…? I had one today. NOTHING worked.  I didn’t get much done.  Very, very frustrating.  Especially since I started the day all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I did not see a basically wasted day coming.  

But this is making me happier!:

So cool, right?  Its from Anna the Red’s Bento Factory blog.  She catalogues her amazing bento box creations on her blog.  There’s even one of the Spirited Away characters.  So great.  I do a lot of cooking and tend to take special care in how everything looks and is plated ( ahem, picked that up from Top Chef.)  But obviously this is taking it to a whole other level.  Even past your typical, awesome bento box presentation.  I think I’d have a hard time eating these though.  It’d be kind of heart breaking, wouldn’t it?  Or just super fun…Thanks Shelterrific for the tip. 

And… Another late birthday post.  Happy, happy birthday, Mr Henry Lincoln Jr.  

I miss you and your lady friend.

Happy Un-Birthday Jane!

January 2, 2009

Oops I meant to post this earlier.  Happy Birthday Lady!  I’m so happy to be living closer to you now!  Its so nice…

We have know eachother for over fifteen years now.  Craziness.  Remember back in high school when we were all cool and wore Dr. Martin combat boots?


Hmm Actually it seems I’m wearing some lame sneakers… and ankle socks? awesome.

I’m glad you liked your gifties…

Christmas in Vermont

January 2, 2009

Happy New Year everyone!  I’ve been away, but now I’m back home, all snugly amidst the surprise (well, it was a surprise to me,) snow.

I was in Vermont with my family for Christmas– which meant more snow, good food and good cheer.  My parents and I took a walk on Christmas day:

Oh Vermont, you are so pretty…

Is everyone ready for the new year?  I’m up to my eyebrows in lists, which means I’m lookin’ forward to it.