Archive for the ‘fashion’ Category

vintage shop for little ones

December 13, 2011

The Littlest is vintage clothing shop for kids and it’s just darling.

Run by art director, Elizabeth Antonia, visit  the sweet the littlest blog to see what else is going on.

Fun Fact: her husband dj’d our dear friends’ wedding party last August…

Halloween Costume Ideas

October 4, 2011

nancy Drew

I’m sorry to say that for the last few years G and I have basically sat out Halloween. Costume-wise I mean. (Except for last year, when we quite literally sat it out.)  We’ve decided we’re bringing Halloween fun back this year. And I’m going to be Nancy Drew. (What? Fun doesn’t = Nancy Drew to you?)

Like a good little detective, I’m pawing through old covers to perfect my look. She looks pretty foxy above, but I was thinking more classic “Nancy”. In my opinion that’s closer to these:

Nancy Drew

Sweater + white shirt collar+ skirt + bobby socks and loafers. My hair is pretty long, so I think I’ll curl it and wear it in a pony tail.

Or maybe down, like this?

Plus a magnifying glass. Think I need to hold a Nancy Drew book too? Now if only I had a Ned handy… or a Hardy Boy!

Did you have a favorite book from the series? I totally read them all one summer, but haven’t picked one up in forever. Think it’s time for a visit.

Ombre Hair

September 20, 2011

I rarely do this, but let’s talk hair for a second, shall we?

I was debating getting highlights again, (I got them for the wedding,) and was sort of giving myself a hard time for letting the roots grow back so much. Taking care of your hair and overall “look” seems like the adult thing to do. But I’m lazy and it’s expensive! And I haven’t come to terms with paying that much attention to my hair on a regular basis.

Happily, the term “Ombre Hair” came to my rescue. I can just grow out my roots and let my hair get really dark in the winter, (it lightens up in the summer,) and I can say it’s on purpose.

See all the cool kids are doing it:

I love it when I can combine cutting edge looks, with being lazy and cheap frugal.

Images from Pinterest

The IOU Project

May 30, 2011

Video Mondays

Have you heard of the IOU Project?
“…an easy-to-wear line of clothing based on the idea that each piece is handmade and completely unique. The uniqueness of each item allows us to provide traceability right down to the weaver that hand-wove the fabric.”

IOU Project                                      IOU Project

I randomly came across them, and was so inspired by the idea, I bought a dress and scarf for our honeymoon coming up.   The only  bummer is that I forgot to check who made my items! Fingers crossed they add a note to my order.  I’ll let you know when I get it!


Reason #2,061 I miss living in NY: Mociun

February 18, 2011

Caitlin, of the gorgeous clothing (and other goodies) line, Mociun, is having a party this Friday to celebrate her new line of clothing.  Darn you, Rhode Island.  (Well, no.  Darn you Vermont, ’cause that’s actually where I’ll be tonight.  But still.)  Anyways, here’s a peek at her gorgeous new line…The prints are pretty amazing, no?  You can check out the original prints here.




Holy Sequins, Batman!

February 17, 2011

Arcade Fire

In honor of Arcade Fire winning a Grammy last weekend, let’s do an homage to the sequin dress.  After we saw them at Madison Square Garden last sumer where Régine was rockin the awesome dress above, I became a sequin convert.  Unfortunately, these photos don’t do the dress justice.  (Anyone out there have a good picture?)  So just for fun, here are some other ones.  Swoon away, ladies.


Ok,  Is this all too much?   Well, I think we could pull this off, at least:

Right?  I mean, that’s pretty much my everyday-winter-look anyways.



Make a Leaf Crown!

October 15, 2010

What a fun craft project, especially on a windy day like today!  And all you need are some brightly-colored, fall leaves.

The directions in full are here, from Twig and Toadstool.

Found via Marvelous Kiddo blog.

Left-Over Fabric

May 21, 2010

I have a bunch of odd pieces of fabric that I’ve been hoarding. For what, I wasn’t sure. But then I spotted these two fun projects:
Fabric Tape

Fabric Tape!

And this cute dress, that looks so easy, even I could sew it.

By Fryd dress

Images by annekata and By Fryd.

Rain Rain, Go Away

March 30, 2010

Remember all my talk about “sunny afternoons” and how warm weather was “right around the corner”?  Ugh.  We are on our 2nd, (3rd?) very grey, very very rainy, day.  And its making me bonkers.  Thankfully, we are a part of the apparently, lucky few who aren’t worrying about flooding.  Just bad moods.  ( I guess I should have spent Saturday outside, enjoying the sun, instead of cleaning my desk. Grr.)

Anyways, if you’re in the same boat (ha ha) as me, perhaps some virtual window shopping will cheer you up.  Or torment you.  Whatever.

If it were sunny, you could be wearing sandals!

tuto sandals

or, at least, lovely flats,


and this pretty blouse,

cocoricooo shop

with some leggings, and this in your hair,

giant dwarf headband

and this hanging from your neck,

Sol del Sur necklace

and these dangling from your ears,

anna sofia designs

with this coloring book under your arm…

small magazine coloring book


I guess I’ll just hunker down, embrace the grey, and finish my taxes.   Here’s hoping Thursday, with its promises of sun, comes fast.

PS.  Click on the photos to get yerself some goodies!

Oh Leia, My Halloween Girl Crush

October 28, 2009

Are you a costume person?  Do you have your Halloween outfit all picked out and ready to go?  Over the last few years I haven’t done much dressing up.  But this year I feel inspired.

I threw out a bunch of ideas because they were too expensive, or too cold, or too involved, but then hit upon one that involves all the magic elements: layers for warmth, boots, a belt, and braids:  Princess Leia, a la Return of the Jedi.  Think more tie dyed ponchos and less metallic bikinis:


My all time favorite outfit of hers is the white snowsuit, with the vest, the gloves and the crazy blue boots in the Empire Strikes Back.

I think she’s in that jumpsuit (ahem, spacesuit?) almost the whole movie…

Anyhow doing some research for the fast approaching holiday I came across all these gorgeous Carrie Fisher as Leia photos.

This one is my favorite:

You’re welcome.

All photos from The Padawan’s Guide to Star Wars Costumes.